Charles Clover is an artist, painter and sculptor. Born on the last day of the last century, he is based in Bath.
​Victoria Art Gallery, Bath Society of Artists Exhibition 2024
Cotswold Decorative Arts Fairs 2023 and 2024
Martell Collection Cheltenham 2022-23
STC Covid Virtual Exhibition 2020
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition London 2019
Salon Des Refusés London 2019
Cotswolds Decorative Arts Fair 2019
Art on a postcard - Secret Auction London 2019
Origins Exhibition Menier Gallery London 2016
SNC Ipswich Graduation Show (Distinction)
University of the Arts London Art & Design (1st Prize)
I decided I was never going to be an artist aged five when ,at school, I couldn’t properly use the blue crayon to colour in the sky perfectly. A few years later I found myself virtually being chucked out of school after being completely uninterested in anything academic and far more interested in collecting fossils, climbing trees and mucking around in the mud. It fell on my parents to home educate me and there my fate to be an artist began to germinate. It all really started when ,with my love for mud in mind, I was taken to visit potters like Richard Batterham, Mike Dodd and Eric Mellon. Then ,of course, I wanted to learn ceramics and how to throw so I started taking lessons with a local potter named Rob Wheeler. Rob and I began a happy few years manufacturing forgeries of ancient pots. The artistic bug had finally started to bite and my fate was truly sealed when I started drawing lessons with the late artist Alfie Carpenter. Alfie introduced me to the extraordinary world of abstraction through his mix media landscapes. Between the two of them I was hooked.
Ten years after realising my lack of ability in colouring, I was faced with deciding what on earth I was going to do with my life.
With the on going pottery and drawing lessons in mind I went to art college where for the first time I really belonged.
I then went on to study fine art at Goldsmiths. However after a term at Goldsmiths I had to quit for it seemed it was all about getting into terrible debt while perfectly ticking boxes so as to eventually be handed a certificate while having to wear a funny hat.
From there I then moved to the city of Bath and started temporarily camping in my Grandparents garage. I set up a studio in a tin shed in the garden which was in a ruinous state and on the verge of collapse. Here I bought my first kiln and began to experiment with ceramics glazing and raku while also exploring painting, printing and metal work.
In the present day I am still living in Bath and the studio is just about standing albeit with
a few more leaks.
My work is informed by a facination for the natural world from the child hood fossil hunting endeavours,
the joys of craft and the hand made from growing up surrounded by crafts people, the wonders of
abstraction drawn from heady glue filled days studying landscapes with Alfie, a passion for ceramics
and history from my forgery days and a love for the patina of entropic decline
gained from my stint as a fine art student.